
Baby.... (in my best NOLA voice)...this one today, I felt every bit of it. I have often been one that gets stuck in decision paralysis. I can list some details why I should and why I shouldn't.....and before you knew it I was literally in a mental and emotional impasse. I'm grateful for the book recommendation about decision making listed in today's reading. The one area that I can automate my decision making is with picking out a restaurant. I picked this one because I enjoy eating out and that level of social engagement, but I'm also the person that never picks a restaurant because I start considering others, dietary restrictions, needs, and desires! My new self-care is to pick the restaurant that I WANT To go too, without so much thought process and hesitation.

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I tend to figure out what needs to get done in a week and then see how/if I can fit self-care in around that. But that leads to lots of decisions about what/how much I can fit in. I’m going to start scheduling self-care (in the same way I’ve made PT appointments a priority I can make exercise, meditation, time for eating healthy meals, time for relationships, etc. a priority) and planning around that scheduled self-care.

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I would like to find a way to automate laundry. Right now, this is something I try to “fit in“ when I have some free time. Instead, it ends up being something that crops up and I spend over half a day running back-and-forth to the laundry area on Saturdays. Any suggestions? I like the idea of automating a specific night for a specific food theme… I would like to try that. Also, setting up my clothes the night before would be helpful to make my mom easier.

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I think there's lots of laundry solutions, depending on your life situation and needs. I live alone and have a shared laundry area in my building. I work from home on Mondays and Fridays. I do laundry on Mondays, because the machines are available, and I can take breaks to change loads.

The Lazy Genius podcast is usually good for ideas on how to do things that you can adapt for what's important to you.

From her I learned you don't have to sort by color, so I sort by whether clothes are going into the dryer or hanging to dry. Since my washer runs for 30 min. and my dryer 60, I can do a load of hang dry and dryer clothes through the wash during one dryer cycle.

That might not be your solution, but it might help you to see what could be. https://www.thelazygeniuscollective.com/lazy/laundry


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My morning devotional times are a habit I almost never break, and I typically spend part of my Saturday mornings as a time to plan the week’s meals and make a shopping list, which helps the weeknights to go more smoothly. I really enjoy the process of looking at recipes I want to try, but sometimes I feel brain-tired — maybe one thing I’ll do this weekend is make a few preplanned weeks of family-favorite or easy-quick meals with shopping lists that I can pull from as a shortcut. I work from home and have a treadmill desk that I built, so when I am not on on-camera or unmuted meetings (it’s very noisy), I can walk slowly and get lots of movement into my day. I love shortcuts and efficiency so I enjoy reading about everyone’s ideas!

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Hello everyone, unfortunately I will not be able to join you all on Saturday for the zoom gathering. I will miss seeing you. I am grateful for all we have shared. I will be with you in spirit. I pray some connections are kept.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

I’ve been thinking about this a few days and keep coming back to the privilege I have in living with my Lao family who take care of all the daily household decisions and chores and I focus on being the breadwinner. I am very much a planner and go through different phases of planning in different areas of life. I used to plan my exercise routine each week so I wouldn’t spend more time deciding what routines to do, where to go, etc. than exercising itself. I’m in a pretty steady routine these days and with more time in the morning, I appreciate having the option to select what I do based on how I’m feeling that day. So I’m celebrating my self-care win.

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