Jul 30Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Thank you for your writing Dr Chanequa. I find words of truth for me in every post and this one line resonated for me today “this isn’t natural this world we’ve created”

Your writing is reminding me to come home to me and rest there a while.

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Jul 30Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

You are so right. We have to protect our peace.

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Especially as marginalized peoples!

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Jul 30Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Yes! Our peace always seems to be under attack.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Thank you for this Dr. Chanequa

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Thank you for reading!

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I am preparing to return from a 4-month clergy renewal leave. This week I'm considering how I will re-enter with new practices, tools, and strategies that will benefit the community I serve and protect my own spirit. (your book accompanied me each day for the first 49 days . . . and I developed a rule of life to take with me into the new season of ministry. Thank you).

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Many prayers as you transition from your leave. Do you have any way of reminding yourself of your new rhythms?

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Thank you. I am working on creating those reminders (also looking forward to working with my clergy coach). One important practice will be to start where I want to be (instead of letting the momentum sweep me up).

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

I'm coming to terms with the idea of shutting down my Instagram account - it's gotten to the point where I don't feel like I'm "allowed" to just pop in every once in a while, and that's all I've got energy for. The storm metaphor is so, so apt....

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I'm not at the shut down stage yet, but I'm starting to unfollow a lot of accounts. And unfortunately a lot of them are activist accounts who think that justice means pleasure shaming.

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I too am working on weaning myself. So far my timeline is challenging me to do this and I want to be available for the real work. Yes, I will vote, but not without accepting the consequences.

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Yes, the real work!

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Thanks for this challenge/reminder/invitation....

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